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The WTF Post

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Le Negrier
Nappy Soul
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The WTF Post - Page 2 Empty Re: The WTF Post

Message par Nappy Soul Lun 16 Mar - 5:38

Happy St. Me everyone!!!
Faites gaffe aux Leprechaun et si vous aller boire, ne conduisez pas, get a cab.

Nappy Soul
Nappy Soul

Nombre de messages : 439
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2008

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The WTF Post - Page 2 Empty Re: The WTF Post

Message par Silver Mar 17 Mar - 2:24

I am lovin' it Laughing .


Nombre de messages : 2335
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2008

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The WTF Post - Page 2 Empty Re: The WTF Post

Message par CRyma Ven 20 Mar - 11:38

Aux cœurs sensibles, veillez ignoré les photos qui vont suivre.

Lemba : une femme jalouse blesse grièvement son mari
Une femme de ménage, jalouse de son mari, voulant se venger d’une sortie mondaine vers la Fikin, a blessé grièvement son mari au sexe, faute de le lui amputer. C’était, dans la nuit du samedi 30 août dernier. Une date qui a coïncidé avec la fermeture de la Fikin. En ce jour-là, l’homme avait été vu à la Fikin en compagnie d’une maîtresse. Une amie de la ménagère jalouse a colporté la nouvelle. Pour vérification, elle raccompagna son amie à la Fikin pour s’en convaincre. A cette occasion, des disputes furent au rendez-vous. L’homme infidèle força sa femme à retourner à la maison avec promesse de revenir sans tarder. Après cette séparation tumultueuse, la femme conçut un plan diabolique. Lorsque son mari est revenu vers 23 heures, il s’est plongé dans un sommeil de plomb. Pendant ce temps, la ménagère déçue alla chercher un couteau à la cuisine pour mettre son projet en exécution. Elle attrapa le sexe de son mari et le transperça d’un coup de poignard. Celui-ci fut brutalement tiré du sommeil. Il n’eût que ses yeux pour constater impuissamment son sexe grièvement blessé, et saignant abondamment. «Pourquoi m’as-tu fait ça ?», a-t-il demandé à sa chérie. «Pour t’apprendre à te respecter», lui a rétorqué la femme furieuse. La victime a été acheminée à l’hôpital St Joseph de Limete. Par crainte de représailles de sa belle-famille, la femme s’est réfugiée auprès de ses parents.

The WTF Post - Page 2 Infide10

The WTF Post - Page 2 Infide11

The WTF Post - Page 2 Infide12

Nombre de messages : 1208
Age : 124
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Date d'inscription : 13/06/2008

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The WTF Post - Page 2 Empty Re: The WTF Post

Message par Yoshi Ven 20 Mar - 15:45

aie!aie!aie! c'est vraiment horrible. affraid je comprend sa colere mais elle est alle trop loin en coupant son zizi. je ne souhaite ca a aucun homme comme moi. cet homme vit encore? je suis sure qu'il regrette d'avoir rencontre cette femme.

Nombre de messages : 357
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2008

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The WTF Post - Page 2 Empty Re: The WTF Post

Message par Nappy Soul Ven 20 Mar - 22:10

WTF? I was trying to eat my cherry pie here!
Hey! Dude shouldn't have cheated.Quand un homme trompe sa femme il doit savoir que la castration est une possibilite. lol!

But damn it looks gross.
Nappy Soul
Nappy Soul

Nombre de messages : 439
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2008

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The WTF Post - Page 2 Empty Re: The WTF Post

Message par Silver Sam 21 Mar - 1:19

Oh la la la! On entend parler de ces femmes qui excisent le materiel de leur hommes et c'est deja horrifiant, mais voir actuelement des images c'est l'ultime degre de l'horreur. Je ne suis pas un tricheur mais que Dieu me garde loin d'une femme comme celle la.
Il faut que je regarde une comedie a la tele pour ne pas dormir avec ces images.

Nombre de messages : 2335
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2008

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The WTF Post - Page 2 Empty Re: The WTF Post

Message par CRyma Ven 27 Mar - 11:01

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing donc faite attention a qui vous frequentez Razz .....

un autre WTF affraid

vous vous souvenez du jeune garcon de 12 ans qui avait mise enceinte une fille de 15 ans ? ....well apparament, il n est pas le pere


Nombre de messages : 1208
Age : 124
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Date d'inscription : 13/06/2008

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The WTF Post - Page 2 Empty Re: The WTF Post

Message par Nappy Soul Ven 27 Mar - 14:43

Reasons why I hate Dallas Police like I hate nazis and the KKK.If it was me they would have taken me to jail that night.

Nappy Soul
Nappy Soul

Nombre de messages : 439
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2008

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The WTF Post - Page 2 Empty Re: The WTF Post

Message par Nappy Soul Ven 27 Mar - 14:54

CRyma a écrit:Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing donc faite attention a qui vous frequentez Razz .....

un autre WTF affraid

vous vous souvenez du jeune garcon de 12 ans qui avait mise enceinte une fille de 15 ans ? ....well apparament, il n est pas le pere


Le pauvre. Se faire tromper si tot dans la vie...Il doit etre si decu. lol!
Nappy Soul
Nappy Soul

Nombre de messages : 439
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2008

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The WTF Post - Page 2 Empty Re: The WTF Post

Message par Silver Jeu 9 Avr - 2:00

Ceci est pris d'un site congolais ou vous pouvez trouver d'autres histoires insolites.
Les baggares entre ecuries inter quartiers a Kin:


Nombre de messages : 2335
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2008

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The WTF Post - Page 2 Empty Re: The WTF Post

Message par CRyma Mer 22 Avr - 17:00

affraid affraid affraid lol! lol! lol! lol!
je ne suis pas de nature violente, mais ce video m'a choqué au debut, mais par apres, je ne pouvais pas m'empecher de rire

Nombre de messages : 1208
Age : 124
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Date d'inscription : 13/06/2008

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The WTF Post - Page 2 Empty Re: The WTF Post

Message par Le Negrier Mer 22 Avr - 18:00

CRyma a écrit:affraid affraid affraid lol! lol! lol! lol!
je ne suis pas de nature violente, mais ce video m'a choqué au debut, mais par apres, je ne pouvais pas m'empecher de rire

C'est un manque de respect terrible que de parler quand quelqu'un essaye de presenter quelque chose a un groupe. Cette scene me rappelle ce qu'un de mes profs avait dit a etudiant qui parlait pendant son cours. Cet etudiant etait un plus age que la moyenne de l'auditoir. Le prof lui dit " Dis donc, toi aussi tu deranges? Moi a ton age, je serai president de la republique." L'etudiant etait vraiment choque et honteux. Le prof s'excusa de ces paroles quelque temps apres.

Le Negrier

Nombre de messages : 712
Date d'inscription : 11/06/2008

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The WTF Post - Page 2 Empty Re: The WTF Post

Message par Nappy Soul Ven 24 Avr - 0:11

Il l'a pas volee cette baffe. Faut dire que je l'ai pas vu venir. lol!
Nappy Soul
Nappy Soul

Nombre de messages : 439
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2008

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The WTF Post - Page 2 Empty Re: The WTF Post

Message par Silver Mer 29 Avr - 2:15

The WTF Post - Page 2 0428_shadowhare_myspace_2

This is either really, really noble -- or really, really stupid. Or both.

Some gangly dude in a spandex outfit who calls himself the "Shadow Hare" is roaming the streets of Cincinnati -- dedicated to ridding the city of evil-doers. Seriously.

Here's the catch -- he's 21-years-old, he's built like a math tutor, and he has no known super powers.

Shadow Hare -- who refuses to reveal his true identity -- still
bravely/stupidly patrols the streets, carrying legal items like
handcuffs, tasers and pepper spray.

The guy even busted his shoulder trying to stop a guy from beating up a woman. And he hands out food to the homeless.

But he's not alone -- Shadow claims he's part of the "Allegiance of Heroes" which includes Aclyptico in Pennsylvania, Wall Creeper in Colorado and Master Legend in Florida.

Shadow Hare recently told WLWT that he's even teamed up with Mr. Extreme in California to "track down a rapist."

the big question -- is he noble for standing up for good and trying to
protect his community ... or is he just some delusional moron who's
gonna hurt himself?


Nombre de messages : 2335
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2008

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The WTF Post - Page 2 Empty Re: The WTF Post

Message par le passant Mer 29 Avr - 9:38

Silver a écrit: The WTF Post - Page 2 0428_shadowhare_myspace_2

This is either really, really noble -- or really, really stupid. Or both.

Some gangly dude in a spandex outfit who calls himself the "Shadow Hare" is roaming the streets of Cincinnati -- dedicated to ridding the city of evil-doers. Seriously.

Here's the catch -- he's 21-years-old, he's built like a math tutor, and he has no known super powers.

Shadow Hare -- who refuses to reveal his true identity -- still
bravely/stupidly patrols the streets, carrying legal items like
handcuffs, tasers and pepper spray.

The guy even busted his shoulder trying to stop a guy from beating up a woman. And he hands out food to the homeless.

But he's not alone -- Shadow claims he's part of the "Allegiance of Heroes" which includes Aclyptico in Pennsylvania, Wall Creeper in Colorado and Master Legend in Florida.

Shadow Hare recently told WLWT that he's even teamed up with Mr. Extreme in California to "track down a rapist."

the big question -- is he noble for standing up for good and trying to
protect his community ... or is he just some delusional moron who's
gonna hurt himself?


c'est ce qui arive quand on a trop de temps a tuer et qu'on a pas besoin de travailler. envoyez le en afrique,on a besoin des super heros. Laughing

le passant

Nombre de messages : 729
Date d'inscription : 10/06/2008

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The WTF Post - Page 2 Empty Re: The WTF Post

Message par CRyma Ven 1 Mai - 15:00


Nombre de messages : 1208
Age : 124
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Date d'inscription : 13/06/2008

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The WTF Post - Page 2 Empty Re: The WTF Post

Message par Yoshi Ven 1 Mai - 15:29

CRyma a écrit:http://www.theliberiandialogue.org/articles/c022107tws.htm Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad imagiez un peu la honte de la famille

oh shit! I heard about this about two yeard ago but j'avais jamais vu la photo en question. le type avait essaye de resister a la pression de la population mais etait oblige de demissioner par la suite apres avoir demande pardon a tout le monde. quelques minutes de plaisir pour une eternite de regret.

Nombre de messages : 357
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2008

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The WTF Post - Page 2 Empty Re: The WTF Post

Message par Le Negrier Ven 1 Mai - 17:43

CRyma a écrit:http://www.theliberiandialogue.org/articles/c022107tws.htm Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad imagiez un peu la honte de la famille

Pour la famille du gars ca doit etre terrible. Les enfants voir leur pere dans une situation pareille. Une chose que je n'ai jamais comprise avec les pervers est qu' ils aiment filmer ou photographier leurs actes ignobles.

Une chose que j'ai apprecier est la liberte de presse qui semble exister au Liberia. Si un journaliste publie un article comme celui-ci avec photo, au Congo 'democratique', il doit serieusement craindre de perdre sa vie.

Le Negrier

Nombre de messages : 712
Date d'inscription : 11/06/2008

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The WTF Post - Page 2 Empty Re: The WTF Post

Message par Silver Sam 2 Mai - 3:31

Yoshi a écrit: quelques minutes de plaisir pour une eternite de regret.

Bien dit. Ces puissants politiciens se croient parfois si intouchable qu'ils prennent des risques. J'espere pour lui que le plaisir qu'il a eprouve en vallait la peine. Comment ta fille peut encore meme te respecter apres t'avoir dans cette position ?

Nombre de messages : 2335
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2008

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The WTF Post - Page 2 Empty Re: The WTF Post

Message par CRyma Mer 6 Mai - 9:11

The WTF Post - Page 2 Morte10

Shocked Shocked What a Face pale affraid affraid
Il faut voir pour croire!!
Jeff Green, l'américain qui conserve le cadavre de sa femme à l'intérieur d'un cercueil de verre dans son salon:
"Je n'ai pas pu supporter la douleur suite à la mort de ma femme, alors, je l'ai ramené à la maison " .
Ainsi commence la déclaration du veuf de 32 ans, qui vit dans l'Arizona-USA.
La décédée avait un problème de naissance au cœur, ce qui a causé sa mort prématurée à l'âge de 29 ans. Les derniers mots de Lucy, disant qu'ils se retrouveraient au ciel, n'ont pas suffi à apaiser la tristesse de son amoureux de mari . Lors des funérailles, désespéré, Jeff a décidé qu'il ne la laisserai pas partir.
" J'ai appelé le responsable du cimetière et j'ai raconté mon cas. J'ai fait une demande et obtenu une permission spéciale pour la garder à la maison. Cela paraît bizarre, mais je préfère l'avoir à mes côtés, plutôt
que de l'enterrer à quelques mètres sous terre. Lucy avait un sacré sens de
l'humour, et j'ai la certitude qu'elle aimerait être ma table de salon. "
Jeff a commandé un cercueil spécial qui empêche la décomposition du corps, tout en verre.
" Cela m'a coûté plus de 6 mille dollars, mais j'aurais payé le double pour l'avoir de retour à la maison ".
" Certaines personnes ne fréquentent plus ma maison, mais mes véritables amis ont respecté ma décision et se sont habitués à la voir ici, de plus c'est une belle pièce de décoration ".

Nombre de messages : 1208
Age : 124
Localisation : ........ quelque part .......
Date d'inscription : 13/06/2008

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The WTF Post - Page 2 Empty Re: The WTF Post

Message par ANAKIN Mar 12 Mai - 11:48

CRyma a écrit:The WTF Post - Page 2 Morte10

Shocked Shocked What a Face pale affraid affraid
Il faut voir pour croire!!
Jeff Green, l'américain qui conserve le cadavre de sa femme à l'intérieur d'un cercueil de verre dans son salon:
"Je n'ai pas pu supporter la douleur suite à la mort de ma femme, alors, je l'ai ramené à la maison " .
Ainsi commence la déclaration du veuf de 32 ans, qui vit dans l'Arizona-USA.
La décédée avait un problème de naissance au cœur, ce qui a causé sa mort prématurée à l'âge de 29 ans. Les derniers mots de Lucy, disant qu'ils se retrouveraient au ciel, n'ont pas suffi à apaiser la tristesse de son amoureux de mari . Lors des funérailles, désespéré, Jeff a décidé qu'il ne la laisserai pas partir.
" J'ai appelé le responsable du cimetière et j'ai raconté mon cas. J'ai fait une demande et obtenu une permission spéciale pour la garder à la maison. Cela paraît bizarre, mais je préfère l'avoir à mes côtés, plutôt
que de l'enterrer à quelques mètres sous terre. Lucy avait un sacré sens de
l'humour, et j'ai la certitude qu'elle aimerait être ma table de salon. "
Jeff a commandé un cercueil spécial qui empêche la décomposition du corps, tout en verre.
" Cela m'a coûté plus de 6 mille dollars, mais j'aurais payé le double pour l'avoir de retour à la maison ".
" Certaines personnes ne fréquentent plus ma maison, mais mes véritables amis ont respecté ma décision et se sont habitués à la voir ici, de plus c'est une belle pièce de décoration ".

Il est malade. Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad

Nombre de messages : 392
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2008

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The WTF Post - Page 2 Empty Re: The WTF Post

Message par ANAKIN Mar 12 Mai - 11:53

The WTF Post - Page 2 46495098-24163008
Un homme de Dieu ou un homme du diable?

A Baltimore pastor who worked with developmentally disabled people was
charged Friday with befriending a blind and disabled man in his care,
then paying a hit man $50,000 in church funds for an execution so he
could collect life insurance money.

Police say Kevin Jerome Pushia, 32, who worked for four months as an
operations manager for the Arc of Baltimore before abruptly quitting in
January, confessed to plotting to kill Lemuel Wallace.

Pushia told police he persuaded Wallace and "numerous" other
mentally challenged individuals to list him as a beneficiary on
insurance policies.

A terse notation in Pushia's planning calendar for Feb. 5, the day
after Wallace was found dead in a Leakin Park bathroom stall from
multiple gunshot wounds to the head and back, reads: "L.W. project
completed," police said.
Pushia was in custody while police look for other possible victims and
examine whether Pushia had been plotting similar killings, said Maj.
Terrence McLarney, commander of the city homicide unit. "We have a lot
of work left to do," McLarney said, adding that the case remains open.

Wallace lived in a group home in the 4500 block of Maryknoll Road
associated with the Arc, which provides resources for people with
developmental disabilities.

Wallace had been involved with the organization for about 10 years and worked through an employment program as a janitor.

He was more independent than his peers and often went on walks, ran errands or visited family, police said.

"Lemuel did very well for himself -- he was very capable in many ways," said Karen McGuire, advancement director for the Arc.

On Feb. 4, police said, someone identifying himself as an Arc employee
picked Wallace up. It was the last time he was seen alive.

Detectives handed out fliers in Wallace's neighborhood and visited
places he was known to frequent, but they had few solid leads.

On March 31, an agent for Globe Life Insurance contacted police, saying
that Pushia was listed as Wallace's brother on a $200,000 policy,
Detective Robert Ross wrote in charging documents. The agent was making
a routine check to make sure Pushia was not a suspect in the death.

He wasn't at the time, but the call gave police a new lead. They
searched Pushia's newly built townhouse in Frankford and found the
planning calendar and numerous insurance policies in Wallace's name
that Pushia had applied for on the Internet, according to records.

Taken to the homicide unit, Pushia asked for an attorney, then admitted
to the scheme, Ross wrote. Pushia said he had taken out as many as six
insurance policies in Wallace's name, worth nearly $1 million combined,
and said he had policies on others.

According to his church Web site, Pushia has been involved in religious
work since age 15 and started an East Baltimore church in 2005 that
burned down two years later. Court records hint at personal and
financial problems: In February, he lost a $20,000 judgment brought by
the state employees credit union, and twice in recent months he filed
for protective orders against a 29-year-old man.

Pushia's attorney, Russell A. Neverdon Sr., said his client is "very
distraught over the turn of events, and he is anxious to bring closure
to the matter."

Neverdon said the account of Pushia's confession in court records was
"not the truth in its entirety" and that Pushia hopes to share his
story at the appropriate time. Neverdon added that Pushia does not know
who shot Wallace and "wants other players to accept responsibility
where responsibility should properly lie."

Pushia's parents, listed on the church Web site as deacons, declined to
be interviewed at their Cylburn home in Northwest Baltimore, as did
church associates from East Baltimore contacted by phone.

McGuire, the Arc official, said Pushia resigned from his job as
operations manager Jan. 7, when he had held a lower-level supervisory
position for about four months. She said he was responsible for a
number of Arc homes, including the one where Wallace lived.

Pushia told Arc officials that he was leaving "for personal reasons" and gave no notice, she said.

According to McGuire, Pushia was hired after standard reference checks and a background investigation.

News of Pushia's alleged involvement in Wallace's death "was really
heartbreaking here, and we're all kind of in shock today hearing this,"
McGuire said. "Bottom line, we're glad an arrest has been made."

At Pushia's gray, two-story home in the 5400 block of Parkside Place,
neighbors said they did not know him beyond occasional greetings.

One neighbor, who asked not to be identified, said at least two men
lived in the home with a young child and he assumed the men were
college students. Pushia always wore a sharp suit and carried a
backpack. The neighbor said arguments inside the home were occasionally

Parked behind the house Friday was a gray SUV adorned with a Jesus fish and a vanity license plate that read "PUSHIA."

Property records show Pushia purchased the home in 2006 for $271,000
and transferred the title to the Greater Faith Tabernacle Church of

According to his Web site, Pushia served on the youth ministry for the
Maryland Baptist Convention in the late 1990s. He said he received a
bachelor's degree from Coppin State College in 2001 and a master's
degree from Trinity College and Seminary in 2003 and was pursuing a

He wrote that he "fasted and prayed, [and] God lead him in the order of
purchasing real estate" to start the Church of Deliverance in the 2600
block of McElderry St., a transaction that he noted was paid in full.
The storefront church underwent extensive renovations after settlement
in 2003, and it opened for worship on April 3, 2005.

Donna Jones, who lives near the church, said Pushia was active in the
community and often tried to recruit people into the church, which had
a jetted tub on the second floor for baptisms. She recalled that Pushia
once organized a cookout with hamburgers and hot dogs and worked to
rebuild the community.

"We're shocked," Jones said. "You'd never think he'd be capable of
something like that. Everybody respected him as Pastor Pushia."

Barbara Archer, who rents her McElderry Street home from Pushia, also
recalled him as an ambitious young pastor. She was informed recently
that she would have to move because the house was being foreclosed on.

In January 2007, a two-alarm fire ripped through the second floor of
the church and spread to the roof of a rowhouse. Fire officials could
not say whether a cause of the fire was determined at the time, but
police said they are meeting with arson investigators to determine
whether it was intentionally set.

"It's early in the process, but we want to explore anything like that that he may have been involved with," McLarney said.

Nombre de messages : 392
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2008

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The WTF Post - Page 2 Empty Re: The WTF Post

Message par Le Negrier Mar 12 Mai - 12:49

ANAKIN a écrit:The WTF Post - Page 2 46495098-24163008
Un homme de Dieu ou un homme du diable?

Certainement un homme du diable si son aveu est vrai! J'ai toujours ete surpris par le degre d'amour que certaines personnes ont pour l'argent!!

Aller jusqu'a tuer une personne?? Vraiment! Et lui, est t il immortel?

Le comportement de ce genre "d'hommes de Dieu" fait que beaucoup de gens ne veulent plus frequenter les eglises. Non seulement, ils sont perdus mais ils font le travail du diable de detourner les gens de Dieu.

Le Negrier

Nombre de messages : 712
Date d'inscription : 11/06/2008

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The WTF Post - Page 2 Empty Re: The WTF Post

Message par Nappy Soul Mer 13 Mai - 2:33

As far as I'm concerned there are no such things as men of God. They are just men.All flawed we are.None of us sainter than the next.
Nappy Soul
Nappy Soul

Nombre de messages : 439
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2008

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The WTF Post - Page 2 Empty Re: The WTF Post

Message par Silver Ven 15 Mai - 3:40

The WTF Post - Page 2 Amd_scott

Decembre 2008:
Docteur Simon: "Mr Aprile vous avez un cancer du sein".

20 Janvier 2009: Mastectomie (mutilation du sein) pour enlever le cancer. Mr Aprile est non seuelement mutile a la poitrine mais il a une horible cicatrice qui a faillit le faire evanouir la premiere fois qu'il l'a vu.
2 semaines plutard: On se rend compte qu'il y avait erreur, en fait Mr Aprile n'avait pas de cancer du tout pour commencer.
Shocked affraid Evil or Very Mad
Que feriez vous a sa place?
A personal trainer is suing Nyack Hospital and the doctors who performed a radical mastectomy on him even though he never had cancer.Scott Aprile,
28, received the devastating diagnosis of breast cancer last December
and underwent surgery in January - only to be told about two weeks
later that it was a horrible mixup.
"My first thought was, 'Oh, my God, I don't have cancer,'" said Aprile, who lives in Rockland County. "No. 2 was, 'You've got to be kidding me.'" Aprile's nightmare began last year when he felt a growth in his right breast. Dr. Lawrence Simon performed a biopsy and sent samples to be analyzed by the hospital's pathology department and two doctors, Paul Walker and Kiran Rijhwani, the suit says. When Aprile got a call that Simon needed to see him, he suspected there was bad news. "Both of my grandfathers died of cancer, so everyone started thinking of that. I knew it was going to be a fight," he said. The weeks before his Jan. 20 mastectomy were a blur. Relatives got tested for cancer, friends wore Lance Armstrong bracelets to show support and planned benefits, and Aprile left his job at a New York Sports Club to prepare for the fight of his life. Surgeons
removed his entire right breast and three lymph nodes, leaving a 6-inch
scar that extends from his underarm to his sternum.
"When I saw
the stitches and my mangled chest, I almost passed out for the first
time in my life," he said. "They mutilated my body."
Aprile was
in for an even bigger shock when moments after removing the bandages on
Feb. 5, Simon told him he had never had cancer.
Simon said
Aprile's biopsy had been switched with that of a woman who underwent
tests the same day, according to the suit. Aprile's attorney, Wall Street trial lawyer Peter Johnson Jr. of Leahey & Johnson, said it's unclear if the samples were switched or improperly analyzed.
Simon declined to comment. Walker did not return a call, and Rijhwani could not be reached. In
a statement, Nyack Hospital said it "regrets the circumstances which
led to the misidentification of Mr. Aprile's condition and has put
procedures in place to prevent such an occurrence in the future."
The statement goes on to call Aprile's allegations "inflammatory and factually inaccurate." Aprile
is getting over the agony of thinking he had cancer, but he is still in
pain, feels uneasy about his appearance and worries he won't be able to
return to his livelihood.
"It will never be the same," he said. "I trained so hard for so long, and it was all for nothing."
Read more: "Cruelest cut of all: 28-year-old man gets mastectomy, then finds out he didn't have breast cancer" -


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