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White or DARK meat!!

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White or DARK meat!! Empty White or DARK meat!!

Message par MissA Jeu 16 Avr - 18:55

J'ai toujours pensé que le fait d'être noire me donnait une longueure d'avance sur les blanches when it came down to it.
Je m'explique.
I know some of your BROTHERS have dated or are dating white women. I am NOT at all racist but I had this conversation with a friend of mine a few days ago. Told her that the guy that I had an eye on was dating a white girl. ANd she simply replied to me that there was nothing to it. That I shouldn't be worried about that because the woman is white. I've had my share of complicated relationship but I am asking now, does the race really mater in mariage? Shocked Huh, brothers, do you really think that when you get ready you want a sister instead of a white woman.
I do understand that you cannot help who you love. ANd that some fine brothers end up marrying white women, but I have brothers... and all of them have dated really nice white women. The oldest broke off the thing with the mother of his son to marry a sister.
Does it really matter, my fine Okapi bothers???
And what is your reaction when you see a fine sister with a white guy?? Question

Nombre de messages : 32
Age : 123
Localisation : Citoyenne du monde
Date d'inscription : 25/10/2008

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White or DARK meat!! Empty Re: White or DARK meat!!

Message par Silver Ven 17 Avr - 3:04

Hey Miss A. Cool

First, I have gotta tell you that you are one fine looking sista. sunny
I don't know about Europe, but from my little experience, I'd say that it's not easy being an interracial couple in the US. If it's a bootycall/physical type of relationship, then you won't have too many problems. But if you are in a love relationship where you have to go out and socialize as an interracial couple, you have to be very strong morally.
I was with in a relationship with a girl from Switzerland a few years ago. We met here through mitual friends and we started dating. We didn't see each other very often, so every time we were together we had to make the most of our little time. She was the type of girl who loves to show affection in public. Racism may be more rampant in Europe, but strangely, interracial dating is very high and is largely considered a very normal thing over there. So she didn't repress her feelings in public. Holding hands and kissing in public came natural to her. I didn't mnd either although I was a little uneasy in the beginning. The biggest challenge, for me, was to ignore "les regards des autres". While she didn't care who was looking at us or what they were saying, I couldn't help noticing the reactions of the people in the streets. I remember KILLER looks from a lot of sistas. I didn't need to be a mind reader to understand that if looks could kill, they would've annihilated my black ass. Brothas were more subtle, either they didn't show that they didn't care or they had that "do you brother" reaction. White people? Oh they noticed for sure. Some of them would have a little smile, some of them would have that " you, wigger girl are shaming our race" look. I rememebr this cop, yeah cop as in police man. He was talking to another cop who was looking in another direction. The first cop noticed us, looked at us for a moment, puzzled. Then he clearly asked the other cop to look our way. Which he did, more puzzled than the first one. I am sure if we were in the 50's or 60's , or if they weren't people around , those cops who have smoked my black ass. Sometimes the girl would come at my job place to wait for me. When my female co-workers found out she was my girlfiend, a lot of them put me on blast. " I knew it! You are into white girls. Sistas are not good for you? You african guys are sellouts, full of jungle fever". Even this 50 something year old lesbian sista called me out, telling me that I was a disgrace.
The long distance between us killed the relationship. But even if she had moved stateside, I couldn't see us getting married. I know that in a marriage the most important thing is love you have for one another, and how you get through the trials and tribulations of life. But when it's interracial marriage , it's even more trials and tribulations. Sometimes, you may ignore what other people thing about you or say about you or to you, but can you do it all the time? Why complicate your existence when there are better options ( personally, I am convinced I am more into sistas ). If I ever fall in love with a white woman to the point of marrying her, then I would have to be willing to put up with the social consequences that come with it. But I doubt that will ever be the case.

What do I think when I see a sista with a white guy? Sometimes you can see by her body language that the sista thinks she's upgraded because she gets some white meat. That's pure complex and I can only pity the sista and hope she learns better. But sometimes it's pure love, and I can't help but admire the couple, because I know how it's not easy being in a romantic relationship with a person of another race.

Nombre de messages : 2335
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2008

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White or DARK meat!! Empty Re: White or DARK meat!!

Message par CRyma Ven 17 Avr - 12:06

meat ??? Shocked

moi je me dis, nous sommes dans des pays multiculturel ! Alors ayons des relations multiculturel Wink

Nombre de messages : 1208
Age : 124
Localisation : ........ quelque part .......
Date d'inscription : 13/06/2008

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White or DARK meat!! Empty Re: White or DARK meat!!

Message par ANAKIN Dim 19 Avr - 14:01

Whatever tickles your pickle! Dans l'amour il faut avoir des principes mais il ne faut pas se mettre des barrages. La vie est pleine des surprises, il faut rester ouvert a toute possibilite. Si Dieu a decide qu'une mundele sera la femme de ma vie, je ne peux rien y changer.

Nombre de messages : 392
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2008

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White or DARK meat!! Empty Re: White or DARK meat!!

Message par MissA Dim 19 Avr - 18:06

Silver a écrit:
Hey Miss A. Cool
First, I have gotta tell you that you are one fine looking sista. sunny

Well thank my dear....

Well thank you mister!

CRhyma.... c'est juste que tout grand écrivain te diras d'avoir un titre qui catch... I am not implying anything by writting 'meat'; just trying to catch the eye of the readers.... Wink

Je pense fermement that you can't help who you fall in love with. But then again like Silver said, an interracial relationship is really hard.
Déjà ont des réticences envers certaines tribus de notre propre pays, imagine celles d'un autre.
Je ne pense pas que mes parents refuseront que je me maries avec la personne que j'aimerais mais je sais qu'ils feront un 'test' de la sincérité de cet amour.
Personnellement, je n'ai pas encore trouvé le mec qui me convaincra à passer au travers de tous les HOOPS de la vie.
If ever I fall in love with a guy, I think I will fight for that love then. But right now, I don't think I am ready for that kind of relationship.
With that said, I ain't gonna lie... I feel a pintch when I see a FINE brother with a white woman.
It really does. At first I used to react whenever I saw a brother with a non-sister...lol
But then I thought to myself, ' Really MissA, if that guy wanted to go out with you right now, would you say yes?'. Very Happy
From then on, I only felt the sting for the fine brothers!

But I don't think I would mind DATING a white guy... just to see how the brothers I know would react Wink

Nombre de messages : 32
Age : 123
Localisation : Citoyenne du monde
Date d'inscription : 25/10/2008

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White or DARK meat!! Empty Re: White or DARK meat!!

Message par Nappy Soul Lun 20 Avr - 13:13

If you like "meat " in general you can't discriminate.
Times are changing.People are more open to each other's races when it comes to relationships. An interaciakl couple has the same chances of survival as same race couples.

In the city I live in , it's almost unfashionable to date in your own race. There is so little black folks here that 80% of the brothas I know date outside of their own race...Brothers don't have a choice than to give in to the white devil women. ( Yes, The fat white chick trap was not a joke) Coming from the States , I first thought ;" In what kinda Uncle Toms cabin did I end up in?" They even have these Jamaican spots where white chicks explicitely hunt for black dudes.In less than 18 months I was a part of the problem. Sometimes I feel disgusted with my own hyppocrisy. I used to shout black power now look at me.

I miss the 'Black love" I used to get in Dallas, it seemed more intuitive somehow.I guess that's why a lotta brothers go back to black after a while, it's just not the same.Even though white girls have some benefits that have to be recognized, that most black chicks do not naturaly offer.( Y'all know what I'm talkin' about).I guess we can't generalize , one finds love were love is offered, it doesn't matter the color of one's skin.

And no I don't get mad when I see a fine sista with whitey...Unless the black chick in question is acting all uppity because she got herself a bwana, then I get pissed off.Other than that I'm like " Do You my nubian sister, hopefully whitey will teach you some tricks, and if eventually it doesn't work between y'all two, you'll be a hot catch on the rebound". Laughing
Nappy Soul
Nappy Soul

Nombre de messages : 439
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2008

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White or DARK meat!! Empty Re: White or DARK meat!!

Message par Silver Mar 21 Avr - 3:00

Nappy Soul a écrit:
An interaciakl couple has the same chances of survival as same race couples.
That's not true. Obviously there is a increase in interracial marriage in North America (USA, Canada), which is a reflection of reduced social distance among racial groups, but statistics show that interracial marriages are less stable than same race marriages. Interracial marriages have a higher rate of divorce (80%) compared to same race marriages (39%) . Dating someone is very different from marrying the person and spending one's life with that person. Sometimes people are caught up in the "curiosity/jungle fever mode" and they think it's the real thing, they get married quickly, and pretty soon reality checks in. The marriage falls apart and they have to divorce. Sometimes the interracial couple is in denial when it comes to understanding and dealing with the social externalities of interracial marriages. They adopt that " don't worry about that race thing" attitude, thinking that it will prevent problems from happening. Afterward, they come to realise that they should have been more prepared morally. A lot of times it's too late to deal with problem, so they have to separate.
The best thing to do is to accept that the interracial marriage still bothers a lot people in our society (of all races), although you may be in love , you have to prepare for eventual challenges ahead.


Nombre de messages : 2335
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2008

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White or DARK meat!! Empty Re: White or DARK meat!!

Message par Nappy Soul Mar 21 Avr - 21:25

I don't know silver.
Those stats you mentioned might as well be true...But I based my opinion on friends and family around me.They face the same internal challenges than the rest.I know a whole lot of interacial couple who function pretty well, some of them have been together for a pretty long time and seem to go strong despite the fact.I wouldn't say that the folks I know are the sole exceptions.So therefore your statistics do not reflect my reality.Maybe they do refelct yours. Smile
Nappy Soul
Nappy Soul

Nombre de messages : 439
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2008

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White or DARK meat!! Empty Re: White or DARK meat!!

Message par Silver Mer 22 Avr - 1:44

Nappy Soul a écrit:I don't know silver.
Those stats you mentioned might as well be true...But I based my opinion on friends and family around me.They face the same internal challenges than the rest.I know a whole lot of interacial couple who function pretty well, some of them have been together for a pretty long time and seem to go strong despite the fact.I wouldn't say that the folks I know are the sole exceptions.So therefore your statistics do not reflect my reality.Maybe they do refelct yours. Smile

What you're saying doesn't contradict what I said. I didn't say that interracial couples don't last, I said that being in such a relationship is more challenging than being in a endogenous one. I didn't base my conclusion solely on stats, I spoke about my little experience and others' too. I simply didn't agree with this sentence of yours:
An interaciakl couple has the same chances of survival as same race couples.
My interpretation of the above sentence is you're implying that the race difference doesn't pose any possible problem to the survival of the couple(on top the regular problems every couple goes through). I can't agree with that knowing that racism is still alive and kicking, and people still have prejudicial attitudes toward other races. You can't tell me that your friends and family you're talking about didn't prepare themselves for possible problems stemming from them being mixed couples, nor did they encounter problems because of their racial difference, whether it's an internal one (within the couple) or external one (from their surrounding/society).
It's like the presidential election in the US. Do you think Obama would have been elected anyway had he been in denial about any possible problem stemming from him being a black candidate? He knew that his being black would be surely a problem, so he thought about how to minimize the problem or actually take advantage of it. Racism is still out there, aknowledging it's existence and preparing for possible problems is essential in diminishing its negative effects.

Nombre de messages : 2335
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2008

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White or DARK meat!! Empty Re: White or DARK meat!!

Message par Le Negrier Mer 22 Avr - 13:23

MissA a écrit:J'ai toujours pensé que le fait d'être noire me donnait une longueure d'avance sur les blanches when it came down to it.
Je m'explique.
I know some of your BROTHERS have dated or are dating white women. I am NOT at all racist but I had this conversation with a friend of mine a few days ago. Told her that the guy that I had an eye on was dating a white girl. ANd she simply replied to me that there was nothing to it. That I shouldn't be worried about that because the woman is white. I've had my share of complicated relationship but I am asking now, does the race really mater in mariage? Shocked Huh, brothers, do you really think that when you get ready you want a sister instead of a white woman.
I do understand that you cannot help who you love. ANd that some fine brothers end up marrying white women, but I have brothers... and all of them have dated really nice white women. The oldest broke off the thing with the mother of his son to marry a sister.
Does it really matter, my fine Okapi bothers???
And what is your reaction when you see a fine sister with a white guy?? Question

Ce que je crois est que cela depends du background du BROTHER. Mon constat est que quelqu'un qui a grandi dans son milieu famillial et social d'origine aura du mal a se marier a une personne d'une autre race.
Brothers who grew close to their families or in Black communities in general will tend to marry black women. Exceptions to this rule will probably be brothers who were rejected by Sistas. One good example is Dennis Rodman. He said he only dated White girls because Sistas rejected him when he wasn't rich and a celebrity.
One other observation I made is that I have never seen an old multiracial couple. All the multiracial couples I know or have known have been married just a few years.
My reaction when I see a fine sister with a white guy? I have no problem with it. We, black people, tend to salute each other when we meet in public. I am just a little bit ennoyed when a sister refuses to say hi, because she is with a white guy.

Le Negrier

Nombre de messages : 712
Date d'inscription : 11/06/2008

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White or DARK meat!! Empty Re: White or DARK meat!!

Message par CRyma Mer 22 Avr - 19:23

SOrry Maman l'ecrivain Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed

comme je l'ai dit, les longs cheveux te vont définitivement mieux. t'es ravissante sur la photo. bisou !

Nombre de messages : 1208
Age : 124
Localisation : ........ quelque part .......
Date d'inscription : 13/06/2008

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White or DARK meat!! Empty Re: White or DARK meat!!

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