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The WTF Post

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Le Negrier
Nappy Soul
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Message par Nappy Soul Mer 28 Jan - 1:14

Excuse my language...
Je me retrouve en train de repeter ces 3 mots* a chaques fois que je lit les journeaux ou regarde les nouvelles.
Je pensait que ca vallait la peine de partager nos WTF moment...Je sais que vous avez les votres...Ne les gardez pas a vous meme spread the amazement.

Mon premier WTF est cette histoire qui nous vient de NYC:

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/01/26/drunken-negros-cookies-ne_n_161073.html Pour ceux qui s'imaginent que le racisme aux US sont pres de nous quitter bientot.

* Ces 3 mots sont utilise pour exprimer un sentiment d'extreme degout, outrage ou surprise.
Nappy Soul
Nappy Soul

Nombre de messages : 439
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2008

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Message par Silver Mer 28 Jan - 3:18

Ca s'est passe ici chez nous. Le owner en question est d'origine grecque, ces gens ouvertement raciste. La victoire claire et historique d'Obama les a perturbe au point ou ils ne cachent plus pour exhiber leur racisme. C'est loser qui ne merite meme pas de l'attention qu'il a recu.On est a la maison blanche jusqu'a 2012. Ils esperent qu'il sera assassine. Personellement, je pense que Obama sera le pesident le plus safe de l'histoire, ils savent que s'ils meurent, c'est la guerre civile aux USA. La seule chose que la cia peut faire s'ils pensent qu'ils n'executent pas pour les interets des usa serait de le salir dans un grand scandal qui peut severement le descrediter, mais ca ne sera pas chose facile non plus. Regardez comment il commence a attirer du respect du cote du proche orient. Que le Dieu le garde et qu'il le guide dans la bonne direction qu'il a promit de prendre.

Nombre de messages : 2335
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2008

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Message par Le Negrier Mer 28 Jan - 14:02

The Special one a écrit:Ca s'est passe ici chez nous. Le owner en question est d'origine grecque, ces gens ouvertement raciste. La victoire claire et historique d'Obama les a perturbe au point ou ils ne cachent plus pour exhiber leur racisme. C'est loser qui ne merite meme pas de l'attention qu'il a recu.On est a la maison blanche jusqu'a 2012. Ils esperent qu'il sera assassine. Personellement, je pense que Obama sera le pesident le plus safe de l'histoire, ils savent que s'ils meurent, c'est la guerre civile aux USA. La seule chose que la cia peut faire s'ils pensent qu'ils n'executent pas pour les interets des usa serait de le salir dans un grand scandal qui peut severement le descrediter, mais ca ne sera pas chose facile non plus. Regardez comment il commence a attirer du respect du cote du proche orient. Que le Dieu le garde et qu'il le guide dans la bonne direction qu'il a promit de prendre.

Oui. C'est vraiment une reaction epidermique d'un raciste en mal de se controler. Je prefere encore ceux qui se taisent et attendent une occasion pour critiquer Obama. Je me rappelle toujours de ce que un professeur dUniversite noir m'avait dit une fois. Certains blancs se croient superieurs a tous les noirs. Tu va voir quelqu'un qui est chauffeur ou menuisier ne pas respecter un noir qui est Professeur d'Universite.

Le Negrier

Nombre de messages : 712
Date d'inscription : 11/06/2008

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The WTF Post Empty Re: The WTF Post

Message par Nappy Soul Mer 28 Jan - 22:06

Et dire qu'il y a des gens qui s'imaginent que le racisme est en train de dipsaraitre...qu'au fur et a mesure que nous nous cottoyons , les gens deviendrons moins ignorants et raciste...C'est pas completement faux; mais ces 3 derniers mois, j'ai ete temoin a plusieurs inflamations ouvertement racsite envers les gens de couleurs ( Noirs, Hispannique ,Arabes, Indiens,...) dans les medias et le web.Dans ce cas ci, ce ne m'aurait pas etoner si cela s'etait passer au Tenessee, a Alabama ou en Georgie, mais la a New York, un endroit ou on s'imaginerait que les gens sont plus mentalment plus equipe a ne pas sucomber a l'imbecilite qu'est le racisme a cause de la diversite auquel ils ont a faire labas... So if it's done that way in NY; what do you think they do in Mississippi?

Lotta my friends think I been paranoid...But I sleep with my eyes opened. It's not because your best friend is one that their whole comunity is opened to us. Be aware.
Nappy Soul
Nappy Soul

Nombre de messages : 439
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2008

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The WTF Post Empty Re: The WTF Post

Message par Silver Jeu 29 Jan - 2:15

Nappy Soul a écrit:Et dire qu'il y a des gens qui s'imaginent que le racisme est en train de dipsaraitre...qu'au fur et a mesure que nous nous cottoyons , les gens deviendrons moins ignorants et raciste...C'est pas completement faux; mais ces 3 derniers mois, j'ai ete temoin a plusieurs inflamations ouvertement racsite envers les gens de couleurs ( Noirs, Hispannique ,Arabes, Indiens,...) dans les medias et le web.Dans ce cas ci, ce ne m'aurait pas etoner si cela s'etait passer au Tenessee, a Alabama ou en Georgie, mais la a New York, un endroit ou on s'imaginerait que les gens sont plus mentalment plus equipe a ne pas sucomber a l'imbecilite qu'est le racisme a cause de la diversite auquel ils ont a faire labas... So if it's done that way in NY; what do you think they do in Mississippi?

Lotta my friends think I been paranoid...But I sleep with my eyes opened. It's not because your best friend is one that their whole comunity is opened to us. Be aware.

Generalement New York est une ville pas raciste. Mais tu as ertains coins comme Staten Island ou certaines parties de Long Island qui abrite des racistes. Obama a massacre McCain dans les 3 boroughs de la ville par 65 to 35 en moyenne mais il a perdu a Staten Island (47/53). Ces dernieres annees , il y a toujours au moins un incident raciste ou le noir est la victime. Ces racistes sont souvent des blancs desillusiones qui, ironiquement, aiment les sportifs ou meme des musiciens noirs, mais n'aiment pas le noir regulier. Pour eux le noir doit entertain, ils ne le voie pas dans un role serieux d'executif supreme, alors la montee d'Obama a beaucoup derange. C'est pire dans certains coins de l'etat de Pennsylvenia (vers Philly), voila pourquoi tu voyais McCAIN y faire sa campagne a fond meme si les sondages le montraient perdants. Il croyait dur comme fer qu'au moment de voter, le cote raciste de ces blancs allaient sortir. Ils ont meme essaye de provoquer un faux scandal avec la fille qui avait invente l'histoire de l'aggresseur noir qui fit un "B" (comme Barack) sur son visage, mais la supercherie fut decouverte, et en fin de compte McCAIN fut chicoter le jour des elections. Il y aura toujours des episodes comme ca, mais la tendance generale est au respect mituel. Evil will never win.

Nombre de messages : 2335
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2008

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Message par Silver Ven 30 Jan - 6:21

The WTF Post 0129_car_on_cliff__wenn

Some dude who is accused of sexually assaulting a 4-year-old girl allegedly tried to kill himself by driving his van off a ledge in Colorado. And it almost worked...
In what has to be one of the craziest twists of fate ever, the perp's van caught a ledge -- and a search and rescue team got to the guy before karma did.
Dude went to the hospital, but as soon as he gets out, cops say he'll be immediately arrested.

Wonder if he can keep the soap from dropping too....

Nombre de messages : 2335
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2008

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Message par ANAKIN Ven 30 Jan - 14:55

Here is one wtf post for everybody. Laughing

"Goat detained over armed robbery"

Police in Nigeria are holding a goat on suspicion of attempted armed robbery.

Vigilantes took the black and white beast to the police saying it was an armed robber who had used black magic to transform himself into a goat to escape arrest after trying to steal a Mazda 323.

"The group of vigilante men came to report that while they were on patrol they saw some hoodlums attempting to rob a car. They pursued them. However one of them escaped while the other turned into a goat," Kwara state police spokesman Tunde Mohammed told Reuters by telephone.

"We cannot confirm the story, but the goat is in our custody. We cannot base our information on something mystical. It is something that has to be proved scientifically, that a human being turned into a goat," he said.

Belief in witchcraft is widespread in parts of Nigeria, Africa's most populous nation. Residents came to the police station to see the goat, photographed in one national newspaper on its knees next to a pile of straw.


Nombre de messages : 392
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2008

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Message par *Maadox Ven 30 Jan - 15:11

LOL @ Anakin, i read that too and i was like....kindoki eeee...lol....i think Bin Laden pulls that same trick on Americans since they say, they can't find him (whatever for real Very Happy ).

Nombre de messages : 129
Date d'inscription : 16/11/2008

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The WTF Post Empty Re: The WTF Post

Message par Nappy Soul Ven 30 Jan - 22:04

Hmmm...21 st Century Africa still looks like the dark ages. There's a bittersweet thought when I read stuff like that. It's funny in one part but it's sad that our people still indulge in such silliness in all seriousness.

Here's my WTF moment of the day:

Ted haggard is this evangelical preacher that was instrumental in the Bush wins as he was the main ingredient into making the gay issue the catalyst of both elections; hence fooling people that the gay issue was more important than the economy and other more pressing matters.Pastor Haggard was the face behind the anti gay movement.

In 2006 Pastor Ted had to resign at his post as he had been caught soliciting gay sex from a male prostitute named Mike Jones ( Yeah I know...Like the rapper); it turned into a scandal and to me the proof that most evangelicals leaders are not only hypocrits but closet freaks.

Now 3 years have passed since the scandal and here's Ted haggard with Larry King.Al dellusional or plain old taking us for a buncha fools.Enjoy!

Dernière édition par Nappy Soul le Dim 1 Fév - 6:09, édité 1 fois
Nappy Soul
Nappy Soul

Nombre de messages : 439
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2008

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Message par le passant Sam 31 Jan - 10:36


Ouganda : le ministre de l’Ethique demande l’interdiction de la pornographie
James Nsaba Buturo, le ministre ougandais de l’Ethique et de l’Intégrité, a annoncé, jeudi, que le gouvernement s’apprêtait à interdire la pornographie et à faire condamner à 10 ans de prison ceux qui auront produit et distribué du matériel pornographique. La pornographie « c’est un mal, un vice qui corrompt l’esprit », a lancé M.Buturo qui avait voulu déjà interdire le port des mini-jupes, indique AllAfrica.

le passant

Nombre de messages : 729
Date d'inscription : 10/06/2008

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Message par Yoshi Dim 1 Fév - 14:14

Nappy Soul a écrit:Hmmm...21 st Century Africa still looks like the dark ages. There's a bittersweet thought when I read stuff like that. It's funny in one part but it's sad that our people still indulge in such silliness in all seriousness.

nigeria is one of the countries in africa where black magic is a very popular practice, so I wouldn't be quick to dismiss this story as a silly one. from european perspective, yes it definetly sounds like nosense, but these things really happen in africa. whatever is the case, this story is a wtf one.

Nombre de messages : 357
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2008

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The WTF Post Empty Re: The WTF Post

Message par Nappy Soul Dim 1 Fév - 18:12

Yoshi a écrit:
Nappy Soul a écrit:Hmmm...21 st Century Africa still looks like the dark ages. There's a bittersweet thought when I read stuff like that. It's funny in one part but it's sad that our people still indulge in such silliness in all seriousness.

nigeria is one of the countries in africa where black magic is a very popular practice, so I wouldn't be quick to dismiss this story as a silly one. from european perspective, yes it definetly sounds like nosense, but these things really happen in africa. whatever is the case, this story is a wtf one.

Hey there Yoshi.

This is gonna be me voicing my humble opinion. I'm not a dedicated christian ( I wish I was)...And I'm not the smartest person around ( I'm smart enough to acknowledge that). I lived in Africa for a good half of my life. I'm in my early 30's now. I like to think that I have a fair insight on African customs and traditions. When it comes to witchcraft, I have to take sides and be critical.It's not about whether I believe in it or not. It is about whether it's effective or not. People running after a goat talking about "The goat robbed a store" does not only sound like nonsense...It is nonsense.

Witchcraft is one of the ingredient that keep Africa from progressing. Too much effort, time and money is wasted in those useless practices. If witchcraft was serious business, Africa would be a continent of super heroes, where all the people who believe in it would be rich, sexually irresistible, forever young , with inhuman strength...But what do African have to show for their beliefs in witchcraft? They ain't got jack.

Witchcraft is not an African exclusivity it is practiced all over...It's just that in places where people live a healthy lives, they traded their transforming themselves into goats for education...Education that enables them to perform real magic: Bypass surgery, Building dams, computers, airplanes and rockets...I'm just waiting for the day African will catch up and give up their silly, unproductive beliefs.One can only dream as things only change for the worse.

There. I said it.
Nappy Soul
Nappy Soul

Nombre de messages : 439
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2008

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Message par Nappy Soul Mer 4 Fév - 3:01

Comcast affiliates in Tuscon ,Arizona had their live feed to The Superbowl interrupted for a couple of second On Sunday. This is what they got while they were waiting for the feed to comeback.

Nappy Soul
Nappy Soul

Nombre de messages : 439
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2008

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Message par odessa Mer 4 Fév - 22:42

Nappy Soul a écrit:Comcast affiliates in Tuscon ,Arizona had their live feed to The Superbowl interrupted for a couple of second On Sunday. This is what they got while they were waiting for the feed to comeback.

Shocked Evil or Very Mad that is worse than janet's nipple scandal. who switched it? this country is going straight to hell.

Nombre de messages : 449
Date d'inscription : 16/06/2008

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The WTF Post Empty Re: The WTF Post

Message par *Maadox Jeu 5 Fév - 0:53

Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz ...i am luaghing coz i can't beleive it...unbeleivable!

odessa a écrit:
Nappy Soul a écrit:Comcast affiliates in Tuscon ,Arizona had their live feed to The Superbowl interrupted for a couple of second On Sunday. This is what they got while they were waiting for the feed to comeback.

Shocked Evil or Very Mad that is worse than janet's nipple scandal. who switched it? this country is going straight to hell.

Nombre de messages : 129
Date d'inscription : 16/11/2008

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Message par Nappy Soul Jeu 5 Fév - 2:05

Police is investigating it and I can bet you it will be in the same line as the clowns that are messing with road signs.Computer hackers.
Nappy Soul
Nappy Soul

Nombre de messages : 439
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2008

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Message par Yoshi Ven 20 Fév - 15:32


LONDON – A brash British reality show star whose ups and downs captivated the nation is approaching her death the same way she has lived — on television.
Dying of cervical cancer that has spread to her liver and bowels, 27-year-old Jade Goody</FONT></FONT> sees no reason to turn the cameras off now.
Her first foray into the spotlight was in 2002, when she lost at strip poker on Britain's version of "Big Brother." She went on to write her autobiography, star in fitness videos, release a perfume and appear on "Celebrity Big Brother" where she was accused of racism and bullying a Bollywood star, Shilpa Shetty.
To make amends, she went to India last summer to star in its version of "Big Brother." It was there — in a shocking diagnosis captured on television — that she found out about her cancer.
Bald and pale from chemotherapy, pictures of Goody have since been daily fodder in the British press. She says the publicity and profits made from selling her story will help her sons, 4-year-old Freddie and 5-year-old Bobby Jack, and raise awareness of cervical cancer.
On Thursday, a television show documented the weeks before she learned she only has months to live. On Sunday, the cameras will roll at her wedding to 21-year-old boyfriend, Jack Tweed — recently released from prison after serving time for assault and wearing an electronic monitor. Goody will take her vows in a designer dress donated by Harrods owner, Mohamed Al Fayed.
While neither are scheduled to air in the U.S., video clips of her wedding shopping spree and cancer battle</FONT></FONT> — including one where she breaks into sobs as she stares at her balding head in her bathroom mirror — have been widely viewed on YouTube. Photos of the nuptials are to be printed in OK! magazine, which along with television deals are believed to have earned Goody $1.4 million.
Her actual death is not expected to be televised or photographed, her publicist said.
"People will say I'm doing this for money," Goody told the Sun tabloid earlier this month. "And they're right. I am, but not to buy flash cars or big houses. It's for my sons' future."
Some have said Goody should spend time with her family rather than staying in the spotlight. But most have also praised her commitment to her sons and her effort to draw attention to the need for regular Pap smears, which can catch cervical cancer in its early, treatable stages.
"I may have questioned the wisdom of Jade treating the media as confidantes in her final days," wrote Allison Pearson in the conservative Daily Mail. "But I have nothing but respect for her decision to accumulate enough money for the boys to enjoy the very best education."
The media, who are now so firmly in Goody's corner, were not always so kind. She was ridiculed for being vulgar, uneducated and crass; even after her cancer diagnosis, it was suggested she was capitalizing on her illness to regain the public's affection.
From the beginning, Goody's tortured childhood provided kindling for reality TV. She grew up in a tough part of London, the daughter of drug users. Her father, who served time in prison, died from a drug overdose.
With her in-your-face attitude and willingness to share the tawdriest details of her life, the buxom brunette both fascinated and repelled Britain. Her lack of education sometimes made her an object of ridicule, such as when she asked where the English region of East Anglia — less than a two-hour drive from London — is located, and pronounced it "East Angular."
"She's a kind of product of our time," said her publicist Max Clifford. "I suppose, when I started out, it was all about talent, but Jade was the one who proved that you don't need to have talent to be someone in Britain today. She's famous for just being herself."
There was admiration, even from the prime minister, for Goody's sheer determination to make a better life for herself.
"It's very sad and indeed tragic that someone so young has got this deadly disease of cancer and it's very sad indeed that the treatment that has been given has not been successful," Gordon Brown said Wednesday at his monthly news conference.
"I think everyone has their own ways of dealing with these problems and her determination to help her family is something that we've got to applaud," he said. "I wish her well and I wish her family well and I think the whole country will be worried and anxious about her health."
The Guardian newspaper — which appeals to the left-leaning intelligentsia — weighed in on Goody's decision to publicize her impending death, praising her for confronting her mortality.
"The ostentatious rituals of mourning and public graveyards of earlier eras are not part of modern life," it said in an editorial. "Today, mortality is as finite as before, but has somehow been marginalized."
In Bermondsey, the neighborhood near London Bridge where Goody grew up, residents still consider her one of their own. Nearly all support her choice to stay in the spotlight.
"She's like one of us. We all feel for her. It's not fair," said 40-year-old Janine Stacy, a special education teacher. "It's totally her choice."
Clifford said that Goody may consider doing other deals after the wedding. "We are in discussions to do a final documentary ... She's very keen to do it, providing she's well enough," he said.


Nombre de messages : 357
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2008

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Message par CRyma Sam 21 Fév - 0:10

voila ce qui arrive aux enfants d'aujourd'hui. et dire que c est un adulte qui filmait cette cochonerie !


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Age : 124
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Date d'inscription : 13/06/2008

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The WTF Post Empty Re: The WTF Post

Message par Nappy Soul Sam 21 Fév - 20:16

CRyma a écrit:voila ce qui arrive aux enfants d'aujourd'hui. et dire que c est un adulte qui filmait cette cochonerie !


Wow! Shocked
I'm speechless.
C'est des cochoneries pareils qui me font envie d'avoir une vasectomie... No

The video says they're spannish? Suspect Them bamas don't look Spannish to me. Carribeans maybe... Either way...Shit is sad.
Nappy Soul
Nappy Soul

Nombre de messages : 439
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2008

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The WTF Post Empty Re: The WTF Post

Message par Ya Murielle Sam 21 Fév - 22:05

CRyma a écrit:voila ce qui arrive aux enfants d'aujourd'hui. et dire que c est un adulte qui filmait cette cochonerie !


l'adulte qui a filme ces enfants ne merite pas du tout d'etre parent . aucun enfant ne doit apprendre a se comporter de facon si sexuelle a un si bas age. ce petit garcon va grandir en pensant que les femmes ne sont fait que pour etre des objets sexuels, la petite fille va gandir en pensant qu'elle doit etre le meilleur objet possible. voila comment deux innocents sont transformes en animaux sexuels.
les gens des caraibes n'ont aucun sense de pudeur. il ya quelques annees de cela, une amie qui vient d'antigua m'avait invite un jour a une de leur soiree, je m'attendais a beaucoup d'ambiance et de fun , connaissant combien ces gens des iles aiment s'amuser. que ne fus pas mon choc quand j'ai remarque sur la piste de danse qu'un bon nombre des femmes ne portaient pas de sous vetements et qu'elles exhibaient leur parties intimes avec legerete. il fallait le voir pour le croire. jamais je n'ai remis pied dans une autre de leur soiree. la culture de ces gens c'est de la pure libertinage.
Ya Murielle
Ya Murielle

Nombre de messages : 259
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2008

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Message par ANAKIN Dim 1 Mar - 14:23

A 25 year old Cal-Tech student has come up with a controversial study – which links SAT Scores with the type of music that you like.

Here’s how he came up with the results:

Griffith used aggregated Facebook data about the favorite bands and books among students of various colleges and plotted them against the average SAT scores at those schools, creating a tongue-in-cheek statistical look at taste and intelligence.

For example, the favorite musician of the smartest students was Beethoven, with an average FAT score of 1371. Also on the “smart” end of the scale were Sufjan Stevens (1260), Counting Crows (1247), and Radiohead (1220). And sadly for Lil Wayne, enjoying his music was associated with being the dumbest, with an average SAT score of 889.

Funny … Lil Wayne is bumping on just about every college campus that we’ve been to….


Nombre de messages : 392
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2008

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Message par Nappy Soul Dim 8 Mar - 5:09

Anything I could write to introduce this would just mess up the effect. Just watch the video. Then, say it with me: God bless America!

Nappy Soul
Nappy Soul

Nombre de messages : 439
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2008

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The WTF Post Empty Re: The WTF Post

Message par CRyma Dim 8 Mar - 16:28

Nappy Soul a écrit:Anything I could write to introduce this would just mess up the effect. Just watch the video. Then, say it with me: God bless America!

lol! lol! lol! lol!

Nombre de messages : 1208
Age : 124
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Date d'inscription : 13/06/2008

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Message par Silver Lun 9 Mar - 1:20

lol! lol! A true Captain save-a- h*
* .

Nombre de messages : 2335
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2008

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Message par CRyma Lun 9 Mar - 19:03

mais quelle genre de film X regardait il pour pousser son voisin a avoir ce genre de conclusion ? Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad

Nombre de messages : 1208
Age : 124
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Date d'inscription : 13/06/2008

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